Dear Shareholders,
We would like to Thank You All for hanging in there with us during the COVID-19 pandemic. Beginning tomorrow, we will be transitioning into more “normal” life at the park. While this is great news, we all need to be mindful that only 30% of the population is fully vaccinated and the COVID-19 virus is still present and transmitting in the community. We want to err on the side of caution during this transition so you may still see some precautions in place to help things run smoothly and minimize risks for everyone. We want to recognize and respect that everyone will have differing levels of comfort with the restrictions lifting and increased social contact. Please respect other people’s wishes to keep a safe distance, to wear a mask and to decline to participate in social activities if they choose.
A quick reminder that we are no longer required to gather contact tracing information in the park (so you do not need to let us know when you are in the park).
We are happy to share with you that the Washrooms Will Be Open, beginning tomorrow, July 1st! Please note, some of the showers and sinks will be blocked off to allow for manageable cleaning and to create some space between users. Washrooms will be open from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm, with a one hour closure for daily cleaning between 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm. Washrooms will also be given a weekly deep clean.
In keeping with provincial health guidance, we will be keeping the following precautions in place for the AGM on July 10th:
sanitizer available at the registration tabledistance between your household/social bubble and others – this distance should be maintained while in line for registration and while seatednot attending if you feel ill, have any COVID-19 symptoms, or have been in contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19.
We are removing our request for only one attendee per lot – you can send multiple representatives from your lot if you wish.
Please also note that as of noon today (June 30th), campfires and any open fires are banned in the province of BC. More information can be found at Campfires prohibited in British Columbia | BC Gov News
And finally, we need some celebration in our lives and we would like to thank Janet Grice for arranging an evening of music and togetherness for Friday, July 9th! We will be having live music from the band, Kooler (a favourite of the park in past years!), starting at 7:30 pm. Please bring your own chair, food and beverages to the grassy area by the beach. Janet has very kindly paid the costs of this gathering up front. If you would like to contribute, there will be a donation jar at the event. So please dance, socialize and celebrate!!!…and hopefully still be able to drag yourself to the AGM the next morning! 😉
Thank you for your continued co-operation, and thank you for making Paradise so great.
Kind Regards,
Board of Directors Paradise Village